Hi this is just a quick shout out to the folks at home here letting you know that Hook’N Them Up Fishing Charters is a proud member of the James Bay Anglers and I would like to say give a hand to us in supporting our fishing heritage.  Stop by and see us some time.  I would also like to add please give us a hand in supporting the salmon recovery program as well as approach your MP and local fisheries office about supporting the hatchery program for our area.  I myself  would love to see bigger increase to the program.  In doing so this it will ensure generations of children and families well be able to enjoy sports fishing in Victoria just as much as we do.  So thanks for who joined me today and good luck and best wishes god bless you and yours and we will so you all out there next time.  Stay tuned for the next run of springs there on the way.  Remember they call me the fish whisper.  See ya next time folks.


Capt. Steve

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